We will be discussing a homeowner’s policy, not a condo or co-op. We will discuss those type of policies in the future weeks.
When we think of insurance, whether it may be home, co-op, apartment or car insurance, what is the first thing that comes to our mind. Is it a way to put our lives back to the condition it was before the incident? The true definition of insurance is to make one whole again after an accident. Now there are many different things we can insure. We will discuss these many insurance policies in the weeks to come. However, let’s start with something very important as most of us drive and have cars. Not discussing what the auto insurance policy covers, but what to do in the event of an emergency with the last step to call the insurance company (spoiler alert). Here are 7 simple steps to follow:
In the upcoming weeks, we intend to discuss the different types of insurance you can purchase and break down some of the basic coverages and forms of insurance and endorsements available. If you have a specific question in mind, please feel free to send the question in to our office by email at [email protected] Our office has been open now 22 years, and we will always be here when you need us. When you purchase insurance, you must remember it is not always about the price, but you must evaluate the quality of coverage as well. An old client just told me last week he had a loss, and when he called the carrier to place the claim, he did not have coverage. At that moment, he realized that while the policy I had for him was a few hundred more, he would have been covered. You can always shave the cost of a policy, but will it be worth the savings when you need it most. Insurance is not a savings account and should not be used as such. When we place claims, your rates will increase. To keep your premiums down, consider raising your deductible. To get a free quote on your home insurance, please give my office a call at 718-829-3200. We offer home, auto, life and business insurance. We help protect what’s important to you. When you deal with the large TV insurance companies you will never get the same level of personal attention, nor ever get the same representative on the phone. An Independent Agent can shop around the best prices for you with multiple insurance companies and make sure your coverage is exactly what you need. Many insurance companies are Captive, meaning they can only sell you one carrier. We represent many companies and can help you get the lowest price for the best coverage. Call us today at 718-829-3200 or stop by our office at 3600 East Tremont Ave. We are open Saturday’s as well. Have a great week! #CapitalShieldAgency #JohnCerini #BronxInsurance #Bronx #ThroggsNeck #PelhamBay #ThroggsNeckbid #ThroggsNeckMerchants What is a flood?The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) defines flood to be a general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area, or of two or more properties from:
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June 2018